Seldia’s Blue Sky paper. The 4 recommendations for the new European Parliament and
Commission taking seat regarding Direct Selling in Europe.
Category archives: Position Papers
Seldia Position Paper on New Deal for Consumers
Seldia welcomes the New Deal for Consumers and the Commission’s intention to update the current EU policy framework by proposing some “targeted” amendments to the current EU rules.
Seldia Position Paper on the REFIT Exercise related to EU Consumer Policies
Seldia welcomes the recent Commission commitments aiming to update and harmonize the EU consumer acquis, driven by the initiatives such as the fitness check of consumer acquis (REFIT).
Seldia Position Paper on the Directive on online contracts for the sales of goods
Seldia welcomes the Commission’s commitment to remove barriers to cross-border trade resulting from legal fragmentation in the area of consumer protection.
Seldia Position Paper on the Revision of the 2009 UCPD Guidance Document
Seldia welcomes the Commission’s initiative to revise the 2009 Unfair Commercial Practices Directive.
Seldia Position Paper on Data Protection
The Direct Selling Industry welcomes the proposal of the European Commission to review the Data Protection Directive.
Seldia Position Paper on a European Sales Law
Seldia is not opposed to an harmonisation of the European Sales Law as long as it does not represent an extra-layer of legislation in Member States.
Seldia Position Paper on Alternative Dispute Resolution
Seldia is supportive of the European Commission initiative on Alternative Dispute Resolution.