About Seldia

Seldia was founded in 1968 to be the Voice of the European Direct Selling Sector

We represent 25 National Direct Selling Associations (DSAs), 12 Companies (Corporates), 12 Service Providers, as well as 6 million independent entrepreneurs engaged in Direct Selling.

National Associations
Service Providers

Mission and objectives

An inclusive and sustainable European marketplace that enables companies, direct sellers and customers to interact with confidence brings benefits to all. At Seldia, we strive to create an environment where our sector can continue to evolve and adapt to meet the needs of today’s customers and communities.

Seldia’s mission is to promote and represent, at the European level, the interests of its member associations and companies, as well as the voices of the sellers engaged in Direct Selling.

We promote Direct Selling as:

  • A dynamic and reliable channel of distribution, in a trustworthy environment for consumers and direct sellers.
  • An opportunity for people of all ages, regardless of their gender or level of education, to develop a business of their own with little risk.

We work with a range of European stakeholders to promote the benefits of Direct Selling, centered on our core values of freedom, trust and personal connection. This includes maintaining and building contacts with EU officials, business organisations and consumer interests groups. We aim to foment a clear understanding of how Direct Selling works, as well as to highlight the diverse benefits our sector brings to Europe.

Maintaining and safeguarding the highest standards of ethics and protection for companies, direct sellers and customers is a core part of our work. Our European Code of Conduct guarantees comprehensive protection to both customers and direct sellers, going beyond protections provided by law.

History of Seldia

Direct Selling is the oldest form of retail in the world – and community has always been central to our sector. Centuries ago, pedlars would bring commodities to local populations, gathering in the centre of communities and creating a space to meet and to share and discuss ideas.

Direct Selling has evolved since then, adapting to the ways communities and families live today. Direct sellers use a range of methods both online and offline, including face-to-face meetings and social media. We
describe ourselves as omnichannel. But direct contact and personal connection between sellers and customers are the core of Direct Selling, regardless of the method.

Our sellers and buyers value this personal connection. Personalised services and high quality product recommendations are the key reason people choose to buy in this way – our customers are able to get detailed, first-hand information and product demonstrations from people they trust.

The first National Direct Selling associations were created in the 1960s in the UK, Germany, France, Belgium and Italy. In 1968, these associations founded a Federation, under the name of “Fédération de la Vente et du Service à Domicile” or FEVSD. In 1991, FEVDS changed its name to “Federation of European Direct Selling Associations”, known as FEDSA– which at that time represented 15 member DSAs. In 2011, FEDSA changed its name to Seldia.

Courtesy of NU Skin


Seldia is a member of the World Federation of Direct Selling Companies and Associations (WFSDA).

At the European level Seldia is also a member of EuroCommerce and FEDMA.

More on Seldia

European Codes of Conduct for Direct Selling